April 28, 2011

Time Marches On...

This past Saturday was Jasey's last day of class.  He will be officially graduated on May 5th, though he is not going to walk.  No more middle of the week group projects or studying until 2 in the morning.  We have been looking forward to and waiting for this day for two years.  When he first started the program AJ was just over two years old and we hadn't yet decided on a name for Ryan.  During his first few months we talked about how when he was done AJ would be 4 years old and Ryan would be 18 months.  It seemed so far away, we couldn't even imagine our little babies being that old.

Now, here we are.  It's been two years.  AJ will be turning 4 in less than a month and Ryan turned 18 months a week ago.  So much has changed for us that even though it was a big day there are other things that are so much bigger right now.  There were other things that we were looking forward to that made the moment pass like any other.  A day that took so long to get here and now, it's past.  Just like that.  It was one of the most anti-climactic days known to man.

Of course I'm beyond happy that Jasey is done with school but honestly not much has changed in the past week.  I'm not sure what I was expecting, but nothing grandiose occured...and here we are, just the same.  Most of the class went out after their final exam for a few drinks and when he got home we all went out to dinner.  Other then that it was life as usual.  I kinda feel like a bad wife for not decorating the house or baking him a cake, but I know he doesn't feel like I let him down so I'm done worrying about it now.

For those of you not familiar with country songs, the title for this post is the title of a Tracy Lawrence song.    It is a short, lovely song.  Well maybe not lovely...it's a country song and we all know how the story lines in country songs go.  Anyway, the chorus of the song has a line that says "The only thing that stays the same is everything changes."

You always hear people say how you can't change someone and a lot of people believe that your path in life is already planned out and you can't change that either.  When heard in context with the rest of the song lyrics, it fits and then you can look at your own life and realize, even if you believe that you can't change your destiny, that the words are true.  Everything does change.  Not because you try to change it but because...it just happens.  You don't know what tomorrow will have in store for you.  We as a family are learning that lesson over and over on a daily basis.

So as one chapter in our life has come to a close and we wait to see what new twist is waiting for us around the corner all we can do is keep moving to the rhythm...as Time Marches On...

 - Today I am grateful for Toddler Speak and learning new things with Ryan as she grows -

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