My friend, Jenn, blogged about '10 Things That Make Her Happy Today'. She asked me to do the same and who am I to say no? So here we go!
1. Of course, my husband, he makes me happy everyday. He's understanding and loving like every good husband should be. He is a great daddy to our children and supporter to our family. For four and a half years now he has definitely lived up to his end of the wedding vow bargain.
2. Our children. They don't have to do anything special. Just looking at them, remembering the days they got here and wondering what the future will bring is enough to have me floating on a cloud all day...until they start screaming. Though in a way even that makes me happy :)
3. Creating something. I love to sew, bake, cook, paint...everything! I try to do something every day. From trying out a new recipe to doing a fun craft with AJ. It is relaxing and you end with such a feeling of accomplishment. It's wonderful to be able to say 'I made that'.
4. Being active. I go for a couple walks a day, it's great getting the whole family outside into the fresh air and sunshine. Also, I love to dance, it has always been a big part of my life. Even though I don't dance in a studio right now it's still all around me. I love to see Ryan kicking her feet around while AJ and I are dancing silly to a song on the radio. Or humming a tune with Jasey while we dance in the kitchen.
5. Taking time to hug my dog. Poor Kirby gets left out sometimes with a busy household to run. So when the kids are down for a nap I like to take a couple minutes and sit on the floor with Kirby and give him a big hug, he likes the attention and I like that I can give him some one on one time.
6. Silence. It is very rare in my day and only happens for a short period of time. But when both of the kids finally fall asleep, the TV gets turned off and all the noisy toys are put away, I love the few brief moments when I can hear the ringing in my head finally stop, it's almost as good as sleep.
7. Reading and learning. I will read just about anything that I can get my hands on. I don't always like what I read but I do like that I get a chance to be introduced to something I may not have known about before and I really enjoy being able to escape into another persons life or a different culture or time in history. It always puts me in my place and makes me think.
8. I know I said that my kids didn't have to do anything to make me happy, which is still true but things they do, do make me happy. I love watching my son be a big brother, he is so loving. I love listening to him talk and reason and figure things out. Watching him and seeing myself or my husband in his actions makes my heart sing because it's a reminder that he is ours, we made him, there is nothing sweeter.
Watching my daughter is just as rewarding. Too see her face as she figures out that that thing is her hand and she is making it move is incredible. When she cries and I pick her up I love watching her face go from crying, to recognition, to smiling all in a split second and knowing that it's because of me. She knows who I am and I make her happy, and that makes my year.
9. Housework. I know this is a weird thing to say makes me happy but I stay at home and if my house is in disarray so is my mind. I am not a crazy neat freak, how can I be with animals and kids running around the house all day? But to have the house as neat as possible for the moment makes me happy. Everyday is dishes, laundry, stuff like that but I actually also enjoy the bigger projects. Hanging things on the walls, rearranging closets and pantries, pressure cleaning and working in the garden. It's not a house, it's our home.
10. I am happy that I have things to be happy about. So many people complain for no reason. Some think that the world is out to get them. Some people think that they have nothing to be happy about. I know that I am lucky. I love what I have, who I am and all the friends and family around me. I have everything to be about about.
I guess I haven't lost my 'Happy Camper' status after all! :)