January 05, 2011

New Me...

My cousin Erin and I have been walking twice a week for a while now, though it's been difficult recently due to the time change.  Luckily with the holidays Erin was getting out of work earlier so we could get a good walk in before it was too dark, but now she will be going back to normal hours.  So we were talking about where we could go and what we could do to beat the clock.  Our bright idea, join a gym!  So today while mom and I were out we swung by so I could ask a few questions and possibly sign up...and I did!  Guess what, mom did too!  Erin is going to go this weekend to sign up and we will begin our workout adventures next week.  I know it is a typical time to join a gym and say I'm going to lose weight and become a better me but who cares!  If I finally have the motivation and desire to start changing something about myself, what does it matter what time of year it happens to be.  I am excited to have the chance to get out and do something for myself and get some good cousin and mom time in along the way.  I'm not going to be making a resolution or setting any sort of goal, I'm just focusing on changing my ways and eventually changing my self.

On a slightly different subject I was introduced to a wonderful idea by a blogger that I love to read, Katie, over at Marriage Confessions.  She decided that as a pseudo new years resolution to add some positive vibe to her life she will write something that she is thankful for at the bottom of her daily posts.  In addition to adopting this 'resolution', I need to also come up with some sort of theme or schedule, like blogging 3 times a week or writing a weekly blog about our weekend, even if it wasn't all that exciting.  I guess I better get my butt in gear and figure out what that plan will be!

Maybe my weekly blog will be about what I plan to improve about myself and how I am doing it.  So, improvement blog number one, joining a gym!  I'm already on my way to becoming a better me!

 - I am thankful for a mom that is willing and able to help and support us in so many ways -

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I am on the same "kick" - let's motivate each other! My plan is to go for at least a half hour twice a week to start out!
