January 28, 2011


I know I haven't posted in a while, I guess I didn't have much to say.  Although, I have been trying to say something for the past week, that's how long this post has taken me to complete!  Every time I tried to sit down and write, life came calling, extra loud.  Then, our internet was down for a few days.  Finally, that was fixed and now I'm back to hopefully get this thing up.  All that I wanted to do was tell you about our past few weekends, don't get too exctited, we are a young family with little time and little funds, but we have fun together.

For the most part, weeks and weekends just blend together in one big mash of kids, naptimes and meals.  Sometimes Jasey is home for a little bit, other times it's mom that is here, but most of the time it's just me and the two short people in my life.  I must also clarify that in our household 'weekend' has another name, Sunday.  Since mom works and Jasey goes to school all day, Saturday is not as excitement inducing for me as it is for most people.  So as I share with you my 'weekends', I am really referring mostly to Sundays, with a couple Saturday nights thrown in.  

New Years Day, I mostly remember cooking the traditional good luck meal of pork, collards and black eyed peas for that night.  Mom and I cleaned much of the day, a very early 'spring cleaning' of sorts.  It was nice to have everyone home on a Saturday, it happens vey rarely.  That night Jasey went to a buddies house for UFC fight night.  I haven't been going to UFC stuff lately because it's the softball team getting together and I don't want to be the only girl at a bachelor pad party.  I'm a little to old for that now, especially with my limited alcohol intake and tendency to fall asleep, where ever I am, once it passes 11:00 pm.  Seriously, I have fallen asleep at the table in the middle of Duffy's and have been known to wander away at friends houses to find a bed to lay down and take a nap.  Sunday night Jasey and I went to see 'Black Swan'.  I was feeling neglected and since there are few movies that I really want to go see in theatres that don't involve a magical castle and teenage wizards he was a good husband and went along with what I wanted.  Isn't he awesome.

Kirby is just cute and I wanted to add a picture of him.

The following weekend, we were invited to a friends house for a BBQ Saturday night.  AJ was being Mr. Crabby Pants all day long.  I was hoping that by the time Jasey and mom got home that he would be better and wouldn't be cranky at the BBQ, no such luck.  So we ended up leaving the kids home with mom so that they could get to bed early and Jasey and I headed to the party by ourselves.  I didn't want to leave them home because AJ loves playing with our friends kids and it's been a while since everyone had seen Ryan, she's walking and talking and showing her attitude and I knew they would have gotten a kick out of her.  Jasey and I had a great time and we ended up being there pretty late, so it worked out well that the kids were already home and in bed.  The rest of this weekend was more cleaning for mom and I and lots of Grad School application preparation for Jasey.

I try to treat my weeks and weekends like everyone else so I get grocery shopping, laundry and other chores done during the week so that I can really focus on the kids Saturdays and do fun things.  This weekend the weather was gorgeous, I didn't have a car to head to a park but I figured we could still have a fun outside day.  I made the kids lunch and we headed to the picnic table.  AJ is posing because he knows how cute he is and Ryan is stuffing her face because, other then yell at everyone, this is what she does best.  AJ kept running to the gate because the firetrucks were wailing their sirens but they always went the other way, he's very upset when the firetrucks head in another direction instead of driving past our house.

Sunday, (we are on the 16th now) we headed to a friends house in Jupiter for their daughters 3rd birthday.  There was cake, a pinata and AJ's best friend, Alex.  AJ and Alex need to stick together since they are the only two boys in a sea of little girls, at least they won't be afraid of girls when they get older.  Ryan and Sabrina (Alex's little sister) were the youngest there.  They are a month apart and get along very well though I think both were having an off day and were taking turns being cranky.

Unfortunately, we think someone at this party was sick because Wednesday AJ woke up with a sore throat.  By the time the weekend rolled around, he wasn't eating, was barely sleeping and running a constant 103 degree fever while taking medicine every few hours.  It made for a very low key Saturday. Sunday, Jasey got an extra day of studying because mom and I had plans, luckily AJ was feeling a little better so we could take him along.  We met up with some old friends for a lunch date.  Lindsay, Cathy and Janis we still keep in touch with and we all meet up whenever we can, hopefully one day Lane will join us again.  Angie and Jennifer met up with us this time and it was great to see them, it's been a long time.  A group of moms and daughters from our old dancing days, that's us.  I brought my camera but we always get talking, we were there for over 3 hours and I didn't once remember to pull out my camera.  So, sadly, no pictures.  We got home and Jasey and I hopped in the car, leaving the kids with mom, to meet one of Jasey's classmates and his wife for drinks and football.  It was the first time I said more then just 'Hello' and "Goodbye" to Alan, his classmate, and the first time I every met his wife, Lynn, but it was a great night out.  

So that was our month of weekends so far.  There is one more left, which is the most exciting for me.  It hasn't happened yet and there aren't any crazy plans ahead, so why is it so exciting?  Well, it's our anniversary and my birthday!  Saturday, the 29th is our 5th Wedding Anniversary, 5 years already! Monday, the 31st will be my 31st Birthday.  Thirty-one on the 31st!!!   Unless our internet goes out again I will be posting this weekend, so check back!

 - Today, I am grateful for a lovely playground within walking distance when I have no car and the kids are climbing the walls. - 

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